
November Competition Clue

Zoe, my parrot, has to eat every day.
Happy Hunting!

 October Competition winner announced:
 And the lucky winner is Mrs. Elizma Wait, who's name was drawn, receiving her prize of a R150.00 Spar Gift voucher. It was also Elizma's Birthday when she collected her cheque. 
Happy Birthday and Well Done, Elizma!

Mrs Elsabe Prins helped Mark to draw the winner of the Great Brak Spar Label competition. Elsabe received 2 x Cadbury chocolate slabs of her choice for her effort and kindness.

 Thank you Elsabe


 Mr.Willie Fourie(on the right) receiving his Weber prize from Johann Strauss in Tops over the week-end. Congratulations, Mr. Fourie.
Miss Muller won a Brutal Fruit beauty hamper at Tops on Friday 21 October. Enjoy your prize, Miss Muller.

New Competition

On Friday 14th October, Cibo Foods will do a demonstration tasting of their Calzone Pita Supremo, from 10h30 to 13h30. Don't miss out on their competition: Buy any Calzone Pita Supremo and stand a chance to win the advertised pizza oven! Details in store. Good Luck


October Competition Clue.

Find what the missing word is and you will be taken to the answer. The missing word is a three letter word. It will only be revealed after the competition close

_  _  _  & Bean!  /  _  _  _  shot!  /  Coffee _  _  _!  And last but not least

No one wants to get _  _  _  ged!

Come on it's easy as pie.

Happy Hunting!


Clue to the August Competition

A   N      A   P   P   L   E      A      D   A   Y      K   E  E  P   S  

T   H   E      D   O   C   T   O   R      A   W   A   Y  !

Good Hunting! 





July Competition Winner

Sister Jeanette Boshoff is the lucky winner of the July Great Brak Spar find the Label Competition. Jeanette received a Spar gift voucher for R 150.00. Well done, Jeanette!

Mr Alben Figland helped Mark by drawing the winner's ticket. Alben received a 200 g Cadbury Chocolate of his choice for his efforts. Thank you, Alben



July Competition

This is the clue to the July competition:

H  E  Y       C  H  O  C,     A       2  0  0     g        S  L  A  B                       A  T         T  H  A  T      

P  R  I  C  E       G  O  E  S       A      L  O  N  G       W  A  Y! 

June Competition

Miss Tana Gillow was the lucky winner of the June competition, who received a Great Brak Spar gift voucher for R 150.00.
Well done Tana!

The Great Brak Spar Competition Label was under the Vanish liquid!! 
Miss Alicia Augustus was asked to do the draw for the lucky winner of the June Competition.
For her trouble, Alicia received a 200 g bar of Cadbury chocolate of  
her choice.
Thank you Alicia!


June Competition

The clue to the June competition is short and (not so) sweet:

V   A   N   I   S   H   !

Yep, One word, 6 letters.
Go for it and Happy Hunting!
Good luck to all.

And the May competition winner is:
Our very own Great Brak Post editor, Miss Margie Morkel. 
Congratulations, Margie, for winning the R 150.00 Spar gift voucher.
The Great Brak Spar Competition Label 
was situated at the pasta counter, by the Fettuccini.

And to help Mark, Miss Milla Julie drew the winning ticket:
Miss Milla Julie in full action. Milla received a bar of Cadbury chocolate of her choice for her efforts.Thanks, Milla

May Competition:
Find the "Great Brak Spar Competition" Label somewhere in the shop.
When you find it, put your name and telephone number on the back of a till slip and put your slip in the competition entry box situated next to the kiosk.
This month's Clue:

T O    F I N D    T H E    L A B E L ,  F L Y    T O     T H E    C O U N T R Y    IN

E U R O P E   T H A T    L O O K S    L I K E    A    B O O T!

W E    E A T    L O T S    O F     I T     T H ER E .

On Sunday morning, 1st May,  Mark asked regular shopper Mrs. Natalie Pockpas to do the draw for the winning name of the April Great Brak Spar Label Competition;

Natalie holding the paper envelope that she drew, with the name of the winner on it. For her effort in helping us , Natalie received a slab of Cadbury chocolate of her choice.

And the winner is:

Mrs. Robyn Pucjlowski

Robyn receiving her prize of R 150.00 Spar Voucher from Mark.
Congratulations, Robyn!
( The label to be found was at the dairy counter under the 2 Lt Milk Bottles)




 April Competition Clues

You know the drill. Every space is a letter and I have started by filling some spaces with letters. This will get you closer to the place where the "Great Brak Spar Competition" label is in the store.

I     P  R  O  D  U  C  E     L  O  T  S     O  F     "I  T"!   A  N  D    "I  T" 
B  E  C  O  M  E  S     L  O  T  S     O  F     T  H  I  N  G  S  !
M O  O  H  ! 

All letters that are given to you are in capitals.
Another letter in a few days. Good Luck Hunting!


March Competition Winner Photo

Mrs.Gillian Killeen receiving her prize from Mark Rouse
Congratulations, Gill!






April Competition

Hello to all our regular customers,
The moment you have been waiting for:
Competition time again.
We at Great Brak Spar still want to make it easy for you to win, so we have decided to keep the "Great Brak Spar Competition" label, as the item to find somewhere in the store. Above, to remind you, is what the label in question looks like.
You must write your name and telephone number on the back of a till slip and drop it in the letter box situated on the right of the kiosk. The box has the "April Great Brak Spar Competition" poster on it.
On the 30th April, a draw will take place and the telephone number on it will be called. You will be asked "where is the ""April Great Brak Spar Competition Label""? If you answer correctly, you will win R 150.00 Spar Gift Voucher to buy groceries.
Rules remain the same as last month.
Good Luck.
Congratulations Gillian!

Mrs Gillian Killeen won the R 150.00 Spar gift voucher for finding the "Great Brak Spar Competition" Label, for the March Competition.
Well Done!

The Label in question was placed just under the garlic bread kept in the fridge.
The clue was:
"Look for a label near the delicatessen counter"
Keep an eye out for this page on Monday the 4th, where the April competition details will be given. Good Luck!

Hello everyone.
The March competition draw will take place today. If you have not already entered, this is your last chance to win a R 150.00 shopping voucher. Details are on the competition page, so hurry.
Look out for our winner tomorrow!!!



Dear Customers,
Well then, here is a glitch now!!
I really apologize for any inconvenience or "computer rage" that you may have suffered with regards to the posting of your entry form on our blog site!
From Tuesday 15 March 2011, until I can get this rectified, please put ONLY your name and telephone number on a till slip and post it in the box marked "March Internet Great Brak Spar Competition" at the Spar next to the kiosk.
Thank you for your understanding.

March Competition Clues

Here under you will see a sentence that has not got any vowels or consonants,  apart from the one I have placed where it belongs in the words to help you work out what the sentence is. This sentence will draw you closer to the answer....Every now and then I will add another letter to the words to help you decipher the sentence. Good Luck....( Every "slash" stands for a letter. A space between "slashes" means another word starts.

L O O K      F O R      A    L A B E L       T H A T      I S      N E A R     T HE

D E L I C A T E S S E N      C O U N T E R !  



Competition Time.

Hello to all our friends and loyal customers.

Yes you heard correct, competition time!
Starting on Tuesday, 8 March 2011, and every month thereafter, Great Brak Spar will hold a monthly competition for it's customers.

The Competition:

1. Look for something that has been strategically placed in the shop. We will post the details on this site, of what you must look for, late on Monday evening.
2. Find out where it is.
3. Type in ONLY your name and telephone number in the comment block.
4. On the last day of the month, all entries will be put together in a box and a random name will be taken out of the box.
5. The person appearing on that entry will be contacted by phone and must give the right answer as to where the item to look for was.
6. If the person contacted gives the right answer, he/she wins.
7. If the person contacted gives the wrong answer, another name will be drawn until a winner is found.
8. The winner of the monthly competition will be advertised on the 1st day of every month.

The Prize 

1. The winner will receive a Spar Gift Voucher of R 150.00.

Posting Your Details
1. Click on the "comments" name which is to the right of "Posted by Chef Mark", at the bottom of the page you are on.
2. A white "post a comment" box will appear.
3. In that box, type your telephone number followed by your name.
4. Under the comment box is "comment as: Chef Mark (Google)". Leave that as is.
5. Under the "comment as: Chef Mark (Google)" box is another box that says "Post Comment".
6. Click on the "Post Comment" box. 
If you do not click on the "Post Comment" box, 
your entry will not be registered!
7. You have now entered the Great Brak Spar competition. Good Luck.

Basic Rules

1. The competition is open to all customers of Great Brak Spar.
2. Employees of Great Brak Spar may not enter this competition, as they have their own monthly competition.
3. The families of employees of Great Brak Spar may enter this competition.
4. Only 1 (one) entry per person is allowed.
5. The winner must personally collect the prize from Great Brak Spar.
6. The winner will allow Great Brak Spar to  take his/her photograph when receiving the prize.

March Competition

Here's what to look for in the shop.
It's a label with "Great Brak Spar Competition" written on it and it is placed somewhere in the shop where anyone can see it.
We have made this one easy as it is the first competition and we encourage you all to find it.
Remember, if you tell all your friends where it is and they participate too, you will have less chances of winning the prize!! Up to you. Good hunting.

P.S.: "Occasional Hints" will be added at random over the month. Keep checking. And keep your eyes open.

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