Sunday, March 6, 2011

Competition Time.

Hello to all our friends and loyal customers.

Yes you heard correct, competition time!
Starting on Tuesday, 8 March 2011, and every month thereafter, Great Brak Spar will hold a monthly competition for it's customers.

The Competition:

1. Look for something that has been strategically placed in the shop. We will post the details on this site, of what you must look for, late on Monday evening.
2. Find out where it is.
3. Type in ONLY your name and telephone number in the comment block.
4. On the last day of the month, all entries will be put together in a box and a random name will be taken out of the box.
5. The person appearing on that entry will be contacted by phone and must give the right answer as to where the item to look for was.
6. If the person contacted gives the right answer, he/she wins.
7. If the person contacted gives the wrong answer, another name will be drawn until a winner is found.
8. The winner of the monthly competition will be advertised on the 1st day of every month.

The Prize 

1. The winner will receive a Spar Gift Voucher of R 150.00.

Posting Your Details
1. Click on the "comments" name which is to the right of "Posted by Chef Mark", at the bottom of the page you are on.
2. A white "post a comment" box will appear.
3. In that box, type your telephone number followed by your name.
4. Under the comment box is "comment as: Chef Mark (Google)". Leave that as is.
5. Under the "comment as: Chef Mark (Google)" box is another box that says "Post Comment".
6. Click on the "Post Comment" box. 
If you do not click on the "Post Comment" box, 
your entry will not be registered!
7. You have now entered the Great Brak Spar competition. Good Luck.

Basic Rules

1. The competition is open to all customers of Great Brak Spar.
2. Employees of Great Brak Spar may not enter this competition, as they have their own monthly competition.
3. The families of employees of Great Brak Spar may enter this competition.
4. Only 1 (one) entry per person is allowed.
5. The winner must personally collect the prize from Great Brak Spar.
6. The winner will allow Great Brak Spar to  take his/her photograph when receiving the prize.

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